The "Sole Costa Art School" is not only the name of a place but also of a method. It's a
way of connecting with the process of "making art". A way in which, by taking carefully
planned steps, one can learn both the theory and practice of colour, experimenting with painting
techniques and gaining knowledge of painting as an evolving language, an articulate language that can be
learnt through a deliberate process, a means of expression and a coming together of our outward and inner
realities. It is part of a history in which we can all participate. It is both personal and universal.
Founded in 1989, most of the school's activities take place in the DLF of Florence, which has a centre in
the ex-warehouse of Porta al Prato. Courses on offer include drawing, painting, life drawing classes and
watercolour. The school is always organising many different exhibitions, mural paintings, open-air
painting sessions and trips to some of the most important galleries in the capital cities of Europe.
Quartiere 1 has sponsored the school in 2005.